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Monday, 3 November 2014

FLUPP FLUPP, Whoop whoop!!

In just over a week, I'll be in Rio de Janeiro for the FLUPP literary festival (Rio! I know, right?) It's the only literary festival in Brazil - and, as far as I know, in the world - that takes place in the favelas, run for and supported by people who live there.

This year, we're in Mangueira, which is notorious for its Samba school (it's a must-go place for a lot of music heads, I'm told). I'll be running a couple of workshops, taking part in discussion panels, performing with Chris Redmond for a Brazilian version of Tongue Fu, taking part in an international Slam, writing spontaneous poems on the street... And blogging if/when I can.

This is why it's so exciting:

I'm brushing up on my Portuguese a little, and hoping I'm on top form  - any advice more than welcome!

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